Restylaneβ’ is a safe and natural cosmetic filler used for sculpting lips and smoothing wrinkles. The result is instant and gives long lasting and natural enhancement. Restylaneβ’ lasts 6-12 months. Restylane is made up of non-animal-based hyaluronic acid. This greatly lowers the possibility of allergic reactions to the treatment. Youβll be happy to know that a skin test is not required.
What Is Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’ ?
Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’ are hyaluronic acid fillers that are injected into the soft tissue under the skin to correct wrinkles, folds and add volume. Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’ can add volume and change the shape of the face by plumping up the soft tissue of the face. Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’ provide rejuvenating cosmetic beauty treatments for a natural, younger-looking you. Restylaneβ’ is the world’s best-selling dermal filler. It is well tolerated, non-surgical and long lasting.
What Is a Hyaluronic Acid?
Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in your skin. Its job is to help provide fullness and elasticity. It is a humectant, meaning it can hold water molecules in the skin tissues, keeping the skin hydrated. It also has a vital role in healing skin wounds. Over time, skin loses hyaluronic acid and as it diminishes, skin loses volume, increasing the chances for wrinkles and folds to appear.
What Is Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’ Indicated For?
Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’ are gels that are injected into the outer layers of skin to correct moderate to severe facial wrinkles or fold, such as the nasolabial folds or the creases running from the bottom of your nose to the corners of your mouth. This reduces the appearance of these signs of aging, restoring the skinβs youthful look.
How Long Do Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’ Last?
According to a clinical study, Restylaneβ’ continued to provide results up to 18 months after initial treatment, when patients returned for a follow-up treatment at 4.5 or 9 months. In fact, at least 95% of patients in that study continued to see improvement at 18 months. Observing a proper diet, regular exercise, and a healthy lifestyle can increase the duration of the results. Follow-up treatments can also make results last longer.
What Is The Difference between Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’?
Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’ are both composed of hyaluronic acid. Perlaneβ’ has larger gel particles and is intended to be injected deeper within the skin.
Skin areas that are tougher, such as the backs of the hands and the midface region, often require Perlane. It can treat moderate to severe folds and add volume to your cheeks and chin. Thinner skin areas are ideal targets for Restylane, and it is ideal for smoothing wrinkles and plumping lips.
Is Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’ is it safe and effective?
Restylaneβ’ is the world’s most studied cosmetic dermal filler with more than a decade of use. Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’ have well-defined safety profiles and are approved for the treatment of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth (nasolabial folds). Restylaneβ’ has been used in over 1.4 million treatments in the U.S. and is available in more than 70 countries, with dozens of studies published in the medical literature. Clinical studies have shown no significant difference in the safety of Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’amp;reg. Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’ contain no animal proteins.
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How is Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’ applied?
Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’ are injected directly into the skin using a fine needle. Dr. Reichner usually numbs your skin to further minimize discomfort. Some products include lidocaine, a local anesthetic ideal for numbing target skin areas. Injections may cause some discomfort both during and after the treatment. Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’ are smooth gels which allow them to be injected without lumps or bumps.
How long do Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’ treatment usually take?
The injection process takes only about 20 to 30 minutes. Dr. Reichner will spend 10 to 15 minutes with you in consultation prior to your treatment. Your consultation will include an evaluation of the condition of your skin and a discussion of the target areas. If you have concerns regarding the procedure, you can voice them at any time during the consultation.
What are possible the side effects with Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’?
Most side effects are mild or moderate in nature, and their duration is short lasting (7 days or less). After you treatment with Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’ you may have some swelling, redness, pain, bruising and tenderness. You can return to your normal activities after the procedure without any need for recovery time. You will need to follow the aftercare instructions provided.
Do I need to see a Doctor to get Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’?
Yes, Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’ is a medication that requires either a medical doctor or licensed health care professional under the direct supervision of a medical doctor to determine if Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’ is right for you and administer the injections. Although any supervised licensed health care professional can administer Restylaneβ’ or Perlaneβ’, Dr. Reichner believes that Board Certified physicians are most familiar with the facial anatomy and should be considered first as the ideal practitioner to evaluate and treat patients requiring this type of cosmetic medication.
Dr. Reichner and Spa Aesthetica will help you determine if you are a good candidate for this Restylaneβ’ or Perlaneβ’ treatments. When making your appointment, be sure to tell our receptionist that you want to find out more about Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’.
What does Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’ cost?
The Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’ at Spa Aesthetica is administered to correct mild to moderate facial wrinkles and to correct facial volume loss that occurs naturally with aging. The cost per syringe will range from $500 to $1000 depending on the complexity and nature of area to be injected. Most patients desiring lips augmentation will require 1 syringe (0.8cc). Dr. Reichner has found that, on average, the volume of filler required during the initial treatment cycle increases by at least one syringe for each decade over 30. This amount is enough to last for approximately 12 months in most patients. Patients should also expect to have “maintenance” injections yearly to maintain a youthful appearance. Since no allergic reactions are expected, you do not have to pay for the cost of a skin test. Health insurance companies do not cover the cost of this treatment.
Why should I seek a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon when considering products like Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’?
Plastic surgeons are trained to understand the anatomy and artistic nature important for the proper use of this cosmetic medication. When exploring a doctor’s credentials, it is important to understand the differences in training that define the educational process leading to Board Certification. I believe that when looking for a cosmetic specialist you should highly consider board certified surgical specialists. Look at the surgeon’s training after medical school. Look at the surgeon’s board certifications. After you have researched a doctor’s credentials, the next step is to schedule a consultation. At your Spa Aesthetica consultation, our Coordinator will facilitate the entire process before you meet Dr. Reichner and she will help answer all of your questions about what to do before and after your Restylaneβ’ and Perlaneβ’ Treatments.